World Map Guild of One Name Studies


The history of the Easterbrook family name 



Easterbrook Name


West Country (excl.Devon)

South East England

Rest of British Isles






Australia and New Zealand


Other Surnames

Ancestor Trees


Monumental Inscriptions

Life Event Registration

Census Transcriptions

Document Transcriptions


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welcome Welcome to Easterbrook Genealogy, the family history site for the Easterbrook family name and its variants from its roots in Devon to worldwide.
Use the contents bar on the left to navigate around the site.

Easterbrook Name examines the Easterbrook name, its variants, and lists all the families for which I have information. These families are then examined in further detail organised geographically: Devon, the rest of the West Country, the South East including London, and the rest of the British Isles, representing the distribution of the Easterbrook families as they migrated away from origins in Devon. Many families emigrated and there are records of Easterbrook families in Europe, Africa, USA, Canada, the rest of The Americas, Asia, and Australasia.

Some families related to an Easterbrook by marriage are covered in the Other Surnames section.

The Ancestor section is a collection of Ancestor Trees for families that are being researched.

Resources is the background genealogy information to my research. Additional resources are Monumental Inscriptions (including war dead), Life Event Registration (often referred to as Vital Records), Document Transcriptions and Census Transcriptions.

If you find any of the information on this site useful please visit the contribute page to see how you can be part of the future of the site or you can contact me directly.

Current Research

The genealogy of the Easterbrook name is a large research project so is generally focused on specific areas at a time. Current areas of interest are:
  • Newly available or discovered sources: The 1931 Canada Census, the 1921 England Census, Canada birth/marriage/death records.
  • The Estabrook/Eastabrook families of New Brunswick and Maine.
  • Origins of Easterbrook in Devon before the beginning of the 19th Century.

Confidentiality and Privacy

The family trees on these pages are intentionally incomplete into the second half of the 20th century. To comply with various privacy laws, including the EU and UK Data Protection Laws, certain information relating to living individuals is excluded or obscured. As a general guide, information concerning living individuals already in the public domain may be shown but that obtained privately is not, and events prior to 1940 are considered historical and therefore are not subject to privacy concerns.


You are probably here because you are tracing your family history. The authors and researchers that contribute to this site assume that you are aware that genealogy is an activity that may reveal things about your family that are shocking, unexpected, embarrassing, or you would rather you hadn't found out, and therefore take no responsibility for any unpleasant facts you discover here. Almost everyone tracing their family tree will experience strong emotions with some of the facts he or she uncovers and almost every family has its skeletons so don't expect your family to be any different. If you are in any doubt, do not continue further into this site.

Some terminology and behaviours in common use in the past are now considered offensive, insensitive, or politically incorrect. When describing historical events or transcribing documents I have not attempted to convert to 21st century norms. Where a place has changed name over time, I have used the name in use at the time of the event.. There have been great injustices in the past both by and to our ancestors — when we record those events we are reminded not only how far we have come, but also how far we still need to go to before we can truely call them historical. There is no intent to offend, just to be historically factual and correct.

Copyright and Use

The research, collection, and presentation of the information here is copyrighted. In addition, many of the sources of information also have copyright or other restrictions. Unauthorised commercial use of any information from this site is forbidden. If you use any information from this site, except for personal genealogical research, you agree to pay, without question, a usage fee which will be a minimum of £1,000 per item per use. Any such fee will exceed the commercial value of the information that has been stolen.

You are welcome to use my work to help research your own family tree, but you may not steal my hard work and use it to generate income or for other personal or commercial gain. Please do not upload any of the trees from this site into other online genealogy or family history sites as this will breach my Copyright and probably the Licence and Copyright of my sources.

If you are a TV radio producer or researcher please make contact as I can usually provide background information not published on this site and I can highlight any sensitive areas.








Easterbrook Family History Last updated:site 2024-04-19 page 2024-04-06
© Copyright Mark Easterbrook 2003-2024 (Hampshire, England).
The Family Tree diagrams and reports are generated from a GeneWeb database.
The information on this page must be used only for personal genealogy purposes. Commercial use is not permitted.